From the Desk of the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Kelly Harmon
Monmouth County Vocational School District
Meet Our School Psychologist
Student Assistance Coordinator

Krista Johnson, District School Psychologist
Ms. Krista Johnson is the MCVSD School Psychologist who provides mental health education, counseling, and resources to students, families, and staff. Ms. Johnson is passionate about spreading mental health awareness with the goal of fighting the negative stigmas surrounding mental health and asking for help. She is a member of the Monmouth County Traumatic Loss Coalition (TLC) and the Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council (CIACC). Ms. Johnson is a Rutgers University alumna and holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology (Child/Adolescent Concentration) from Montclair State University, and is a New Jersey Certified School Psychologist. Ms. Johnson’s current areas of professional interest include social-emotional learning and trauma-informed care in schools. Outside of her professional responsibilities, Ms. Johnson enjoys paddle boarding, playing the piano, and traveling.

Joy Przywara, District Student Assistance Coordinator
Ms. Przywara has been a School Counselor since 2000. In 2003 she worked for the Monmouth County Vocational High School part-time at Aberdeen and Neptune locations. She worked for four summers for the MCCI (County Corrections) in the summer as an English Teacher. Her educational background was at Monmouth University where she double majored: Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Education. She holds a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology and a Post Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership. Today, Joy works as a Student Assistance Coordinator across the district. She is currently working on her second Master's for Clinic Mental Health Counseling Licensure. She is a proud member of the (POSP) Parents of Special People, IDD (County Committee for Intellectual Disabilities) a member of the Youth Hub for Monmouth County, The Association for Student Assistance Coordinators in New Jersey (ASAP), The Traumatic Loss Coalition (TLC), CIACC (Children's InterAgency Coordinating Council) & The Prevention Coalition of Monmouth County. Joy works individually with families and students and loves providing programming for classes and for professional development.