From the Desk of the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Kelly Harmon
Monmouth County Vocational School District
Curriculum Writing Essentials
Purpose & Overview
A curriculum guide is a structured document that delineates the course objectives, philosophy, methodology, topical outline, learning experiences, instructional resources and assessments that comprise a specific educational program. Additionally, it represents an articulation of what students should know and be able to do and supports teachers in knowing how to achieve these goals. Overall, the curriculum document is a tool that assists in planning and implementing a high quality instructional program.
It should:
establish a clear philosophy and set of overarching goals.
outline a basic framework for what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and how to know if it has been achieved.
promote interdisciplinary approaches.
allow for flexibility.
suggest methods of achieving the program's goals.
provide a means for its ongoing revision and improvement.
It should include:
course description with grade level, credits, etc.
content standards addressed
interdisciplinary standards addressed
technology standards addressed
Career Ready Practices addressed
pacing guide
instructional materials
enduring understandings
essential questions
benchmark assessments
grading guide
Therefore, the purpose of this page is to provide some general guidelines and instructions for staff members as they begin to develop or revise their curriculum and import it into Rubicon.