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From the Desk of the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Kelly Harmon
Monmouth County Vocational School District
Tech-Based Tutorials
The following tutorials were created using Screencast-O-Matic and Screencastify, two easy-to-use tools for recording screenshots and sharing them. The Curriculum Focus Group created these tutorials to provide faculty across disciplines, information on an array of topics. This website is continuously being updated, so teachers shouldn't hesitate to email me with suggestions if there is a specific need!
Watch this tutorial to learn how to record attendance via PowerSchool.
Assess free of charge! All you need is a Monmouth County Library card.
Learn more about why and how to flip your classroom.
If you are a World Language teacher, this tutorial shows you how to create an account and a class using
the online component of the Spanish textbook (VHL Central).
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