From the Desk of the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Kelly Harmon
Monmouth County Vocational School District
What is Understanding By Design?
It's Planning & Thinking Rather Than Covering the Textbook
It's Teaching & Assessing for Understanding & Transfer
We want students to understand the transferable skills and the big ideas. This implies that we will assess for understanding - not just knowledge. Can our students show understanding? Can they explain a concept in their own words? Can they teach it to someone else? Ultimately, the end goal is understanding and transfer. It's not marching through a textbook. It's not solely fun activities.
Therefore, we should ask the following questions as we plan our units of study and map out our curriculum:
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Key Questions:
What should students know, understand, and be able to do?
What is the ultimate transfer we seek as a result of this unit?
What enduring understandings are desired?
What essential questions will be explored in-depth and provide focus to all learning?
Stage 2: Determine Assessment Evidence
Key Questions:
How will we know if students have achieved the desired results?
What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and their ability to use (transfer) their learning in new situations?
How will we evaluate student performance in fair and consistent ways?
Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Key Questions:
How will we support learners as they come to understand important ideas and processes?
How will we prepare them to autonomously transfer their learning?
What enabling knowledge and skills will students need to perform effectively and achieve desired results?
What activities, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish our goals?

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