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From the Desk of the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Kelly Harmon
Monmouth County Vocational School District
Student Growth Objectives
We created professional learning communities to discuss student targets, formative assessments, differentiation, and quality test creation. These are conversations that were inspired by the SGO process.
SGOs are long-term academic goals for groups of students set by teachers in consultation with their supervisors and/or building principal.
All teachers working under an instructional certificate, with an assigned roster of students and teaching at least one course must set Student Growth Objectives (SGOs). SGOs should incorporate a significant proportion of the school year and/or course. The Department recommends, but does not require teachers to have at least 9 weeks of continuous instruction to set SGOs.
A highly effective SGO should be:
aligned to the curriculum standards
grounded in data
driven by high expectations for students
For helpful resources when creating highly effective SGOs, please refer to the green buttons listed on the right side of this page.

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